Height - 75.5 cm, length - 1.003 m, width - 59 cm

Manufactured in Dnepropetrovsk in alone specimen in 1992 by three craftsmen (Matuhin & sons), using a fret-saw.
Plugged wood, engraving, japanning.
In a basis of an article the following materials are included:
1.A pine wood, a beech, a birch.
2.Veneering: a pink wood, a rosewood, a citric wood, a sandal wood, an amaranth, a red wood, a fumed oak, an oak, a mulberry wood, a brass.
The table is supported by four legs with squared profile. The legs converge down and have brass tips. There is one drawer in the side-bar. There is a brass kea-hole in the center of drawer. The table-top is like a bean. It is framed by figured brass along perimeter of the table-lid.
The internal field of a table-top is decorated with a set of rhombic grid a and framed by double tractions.
There is a round locket with a bouquet of flowers in the center of table-top. The side-bar and legs are pasted over plugged smooth veneering. An endurance of all kinds of wood present in an article is more than 5 years. A pink wood is a dominant material in an article.
All wood of black color on an article is a fumed oak. Its black color speaks about the great age of this material, - not less than 1000.
The intarsia on an article comprises is more than 9 thousand slices of inlay.
The method of sprayed mitre joint, used on the edges of drawer surface and legs, speaks about complexity of inlay. This intarsia is made out of 2 mm sawn veneers.
The total time spent by three masters on manufacturing of a product makes about 3168 hours of handicraft.
There are favorite receptions, used by the Russian craftsmen in the last quarter XVIII of century, on the table.
This article is a subject of a ladies` toilet. It concerns to style of classicism


The plugged little bean-table hade made by Matuhin & sons - cabinet-makers from the Dnepropetrovsk. The table manufactured out of a pink wood and a black wood in technique and style of Russian empire furniture began of XIX century. The table had made out of an massive of valuable exotic kinds of wood ( the sawn veneer is more than 2 mm thick) is a perfect sample of modern art piece-work (handicraft) furniture. During the work the craftsmen use author's technological receptions allowing to create and duplicate a classical furniture, and new creative models of extremely high class.
The harmony of proportions, comfort, durability grace of plugged figure, amazing exactitude of set adjustment, excellent knowledge of a material characterize the craftsmen's work. The only brass framing and accessories are little charge for work.

The Chief of Restoration Studio
of the Dnepropetrovsk State Historical
Museum named by Dmitry I. Yavornisky,
the expert                                                                                      G.F. Shamray


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